The current page is a travel log and an homage to everyone who crossed the Atlantic, and passed by Horta, during these strange times: the COVID pandemic – a period of great uncertainty and of great struggle for everyone that makes the ocean their home.
The need to sail across the ocean, away from the hurricane season, towards Europe, can be a journey dangerous on its own.
2020, and the epidemic, increased the difficulty of this leg, as many of the ports which usually provide fundamental help – from access to food and water, to maintenance and repair services – were closing their harbors to this brave community.
… and still, you have prevailed, it has been an honor getting to know you, and we are really glad that we have been of service.
We are the Atlantic résistance! Vive la résistance!
P.S. – Unfortunately, many more amazing crews passed in Horta during this period, with who we made great friendships, from whom, sadly , we do not have any pictures. So please, if you want to be a part of this mural of brave sailors, you can send us your pictures to the e-mail and we will be glad to post them online.
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